Samsung Quick Share Può essere divertente per chiunque

Share files through Private sharing Use Private sharing to ensure that the shared files are shown only on the recipient’s device and accessible only within the expiration date. First, make sure to turn on Private sharing option before you choose the device or contact to share with.4

These shared files can be immediately found in the Quick Share folder created Con the Gallery app without a separate download process.

For a direct share with a nearby Samsung device, ensure the recipient is Per close proximity, and their device should appear in the menu. Tap on it.

Si può attivare Quick Share altresì Con un nuovo occasione passando dalle Impostazioni del telefono e per farlo ti basta procedere questi passaggi:

Make emailing yourself a thing of the past. Securely transfer files from your PC to your Android device and take them on the go. Send photos, screenshots, videos and documents to your Android device using Quick Share.

*Requires a Samsung account and Internet connection. If the recipients do not have a Samsung account, they will receive a text message with a link to download the files.

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Files are sent to the recipient The recipient will get a notification asking to accept the shared files. Tapping the notification, then tapping "Download all" on the following screen will start the download.

Si può spartire purchessia tipico che file, in purchessia cerchia e valore, insieme dispositivi Galaxy ovvero PC proveniente da altri qui produttori, invece quandanche con dispositivi iOS oppure né Galaxy Android.

If the user chooses to share the file using a QR code, the recipient can simply copy or scan the code and receive the file instantly on their smartphone or device. Additionally, files uploaded to the Samsung Cloud can be shared with others as well.

Uso che Quick Share Attraverso spartire in fretta e facilmente diverse tipologie di contenuti, fra cui Fotografia, video e documenti a proposito di a loro altri.

Depending on the manufacturer and model, there may be restrictions on some or all of the functions of this service.

*Requires a Samsung account and Internet connection. If the recipients do not have a Samsung account, they will receive a text message with a link to download the files.

Nel menu delle opzioni, In aggiunta a scegliere che purchessia utente possa spartire rudimenti multimediali, possiamo prescegliere i quali abbandonato i nostri contatti possano farlo.

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